General LattePanda

Lattepanada Delta N4100 consistently crashes when starting

userHead SharphSonirak 2022-12-21 20:03:09 787 Views1 Replies

I have three lattepandas and this is the only one that has issues. It came prebuilt with the stock power connection. It constantly crashes on boot and the only thing I could find is that possibly the power supply isn’t enough but that doesn’t make sense because the two other work just fine. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix it? Thanks.

2023-02-21 11:22:27


Could you please describe your problem in detail? What kind of crash is it? Blue screen or it can not enter BIOS.

If it is a Blue screen, could you please try reinstall the operation system? That may solve the problem.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin