Bluno General Arduino

Digital Output Not Working w/ 8V Power Supply

userHead Account cancelled 2017-11-04 13:33:30 1604 Views1 Replies
Hello everyone!

I’m feeding ~8V (I’ve measured it at 8.1V) to the VIN pin, and my Bluno Beetle powers on fine, and I’m able to connect. However, the output pins do not seem to work.

My program is written to set output D1 to HIGH when the Beetle is powered on.

When I use USB power, the Beetle turns on and D1 goes high.

When I use 8V to VIN, the Beetle turns on and D1 does not go high.

When I use USB power, the Beetle turns on and D1 goes high. If I keep USB power and also turn on the 8V to VIN, D1 goes back to low.

Anyone have any ideas why my digital output wouldn’t be working when I use VIN for power? Is 8.1V too high?

Hoping to get this figured out.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!
2017-12-19 17:36:02 Have you tried to upload the blink code and test it? userHeadPic robert.chen