userHead FR 2023-01-23 04:58:01 1124 Views3 Replies


I have two questions:

1- Apparently Huskeylens current intensive 230mA @ 5 volt.  is it recommended the unit be powered thru its  usb by an external 5v power supply (common grounded to  Arduino) and at the same time powering Arduino with usb connected to a laptop.

2- If SD card is used, is there a limit on the number of faces or objects learned by Huskylens and stored on an SD card as the database for it to recognize.



Thanks in advance for your response and hope this device receives the recognition it deserves.

2023-02-20 14:43:04


Yes, due to the power consumption, we recommend using an external power supply to power the HUSKYLENS.

If an SD card is used, All 7 algorithms, each of which can save 5 models, according to our WIKI.

Hope it can help.




userHeadPic NeloKin
FR wrote:

Thank you so much for your response.  The issue is that in your wiki tutorial and any other tutorial online the VCC (red wire) is connected to 5V Arduino which works fine.  When you try to connect the red wire to an external power supply (with a common ground), either with UART  or I2C it does not communicate properly (junk characters appear in the serial monitor) with any baud rate.


2023-02-22 04:00:32
1 Replies
2023-01-23 05:12:20

userHeadPic FR