GP8302 20mA I2c on Pi 4 fail

userHead John.Doe6403 2023-05-17 04:00:06 674 Views4 Replies

I am currently struggling to get the demo for the GP8302 0-20mA current regulator running. 

I work with the raspberry pi python code


I connected the wires as follows to the raspi pins

black 4 → GND

red 2 → 5V

blue 5 → SCL

green 3  → SCA



The Pi has i2C enabled.


I keep getting Error code 2  (2: Device not found, please check if the device is connected)


Has anyone successfully controlled the chip with the pi?

Does it require to have the 18-24V connected to respond on i2c?




thank you for your help

2023-05-20 02:54:53

Thank you for your responses. I can confirm that after also providing the 24V, the module now communicates and works.

userHeadPic John.Doe6403
2023-05-17 16:35:09

Check if your power supply is providing the necessary voltage and current. Still if it makes problem, kindly check the GP8302 20mA with any other board. 

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-05-17 09:48:29

After our confirmation, you need to power the VIN port with 18-24V to enable the module.

userHeadPic Yeez_B