GP8302 20mA I2c on Pi 4 fail
I am currently struggling to get the demo for the GP8302 0-20mA current regulator running.
I work with the raspberry pi python code
I connected the wires as follows to the raspi pins
black 4 → GND
red 2 → 5V
blue 5 → SCL
green 3 → SCA
The Pi has i2C enabled.
I keep getting Error code 2 (2: Device not found, please check if the device is connected)
Has anyone successfully controlled the chip with the pi?
Does it require to have the 18-24V connected to respond on i2c?
thank you for your help
Thank you for your responses. I can confirm that after also providing the 24V, the module now communicates and works.
John.Doe6403Check if your power supply is providing the necessary voltage and current. Still if it makes problem, kindly check the GP8302 20mA with any other board.
bidrohini.bidrohiniAfter our confirmation, you need to power the VIN port with 18-24V to enable the module.