
Fermion data loger dont generate CONFIG.TXT pls help

userHead Asier.Iglesias 2023-07-11 19:43:22 186 Views2 Replies

Hello dfrobot


Good I have the Fermion: Serial Data Logger for Arduino, the problem is that when I start it (either with an external source, with the arduino or with usb) I do not generate the CONFIG.TXT file, and that the card is formatted in fat32, any suggestions or help please? because without generating that .txt file I can not start saving data.

2023-07-12 14:45:33

The  problem is that the SD ligth blink once, but nothing is generate. I follow all the steps one by one I think. Thanks for the answer.

userHeadPic Asier.Iglesias
2023-07-11 22:23:06

For First Time Use

If the storage is not formatted, format the storage first. The file system is FAT32.Power on the module for over 2 seconds (not from USB host) to make the module automatically generate the CONFIG.TXT file, and the SD light will blink once.Check whether the CONFIG.TXT file is generated normally, if not, refer to FAQ please. You can change the module communication baud rate and file storage name by changing the CONFIG.TXT file.


Please make sure that you have followed these steps:

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini