AS3935 not detecting lightnings

userHead wagner 2023-10-30 01:24:03 482 Views4 Replies



I've got my AS3935 lightning sensor this week and have been testing since monday. This has been a week full of lightnings but it didn't detect any lightning yet… as a matter of effect there are some lightnings happening right now, and nothing…


I've got some supposedly lightnings around 3 or 4 a.m that showed the distance around 35+ km but due to the distance reported and the fact that wasn't raining I'm assuming were false positives


I've connected it to a raspberry pi and used the `` as an example for my code, and as I've got some false positives I'm assuming everything is connected properly and working, but I'm assuming it may need some calibration or adjustment… how is the best way to do so, or kind of debug / troubleshoot it?



2023-11-19 09:20:53

the sensor data during a lightning is


sensor reqs:Reg 0x00: 24Reg 0x01: 23Reg 0x02: c3Reg 0x03: 00Reg 0x04: 00Reg 0x05: 00Reg 0x06: 00Reg 0x07: 3fReg 0x08: 0b



what data can be read from this? how can I calibrate it to detect as lightnings or it really shouldn't?

userHeadPic wagner
2023-11-19 08:46:49

here is a example code

userHeadPic wagner
2023-11-19 08:37:00

any insights? had some lightnings today but SEN0290 only detected them as disturbers

userHeadPic wagner
2023-10-30 04:30:57

it was set to outdoor mode as it's out of my window


I've changed it's configuration to indoor and it started to freak out with too much noise or disturber


changed the noise floor lvl to 7 (it says in the comments it should be greater than 7 although in the example code is set to 2) but it kept showing too much noise or disturber discovered, set back to outdoor 


and looks like it still not detecting lightning but showing them as disturbers (so another tuning maybe?)

userHeadPic wagner