
SPI to external microcontroller - E-ink (DFR0835)

userHead drewlong104 2024-04-18 23:37:23 78 Views0 Replies

I am trying to use the 4.7" E-ink module (DFR0835) to receive information from another microcontroller (STM32 Nucleo). I need the screen to display information based on what it receives from my Nucleo board, so I have tried to use both SPI and I2C to communicate between the ESP32-S3 on the board and my own Nucleo board. I have gotten the Nucleo to communicate successfully with other Nucleo boards using both protocols (issue not with Nucleo board), and I have gotten the SPI code for the ESP32 to work on a different ESP32 dev board (issue not with code), but it does not work for this E-ink board (issue using this board). I manually assigned the SPI and the I2C pins for the board to be what I found they are actually connected to on the microcontroller using a multimeter. I know the SPI is supposed to be for communicating with the E-ink display itself, but is there anyway I can also use this (or I2C) to send data from my Nucleo board.