Forum >Can i detect a smile or other facial expression with Huskylens?

Can i detect a smile or other facial expression with Huskylens?

userHead Thomas.Rogenmoser 2024-11-24 08:22:00 217 Views3 Replies

I want to detect if a single person is smiling / not smiling.

(could also be another facial expression like raising eyebrows or showing teeth). 
If i can achieve the detection, want to use that to trigger an event.


What i tried:

I created 2 videos of me, one smiling, one not smiling.
I set HL face recognition to “learn multiple” and did learn from both videos.

It seemed to learn faces id0 and id1, but afterwards mostly detected id1 from both videos.
Trying again, i was not able to learn two different faces from the two videos at all… maybe i did misinterpret my first attempt and it never worked at all.

Should i try a different approach, or is the dectection of a facial expression not possible with HL?

I see there are 3 treshold-parameters to tune face recognition (detect, NMS, recognize)… but did not find any description, so it's not clear if and how i should try altering those.


I feel what i would need would be a way to explicitly tell HL in training “you are now seeing faceIDx”, but that seems not possible, at least through the UI. Maybe when controlling HL from a controller?

2024-11-28 05:17:48

Thank You.

And if I understand correctly, custom models are also not possible?

Huskylens is not supported by tools like Edge Impulse,  right?

userHeadPic Thomas.Rogenmoser
2024-11-27 14:37:50

Because of the limitations of the preset model, Huskylens can only recognize different faces, but not different expressions of the same face.

userHeadPic yiqing.guan
Thomas.Rogenmoser wrote:

Thank You.

I found this Comment on a Github Issue, pointing out that the “Object Recognition” feature might be what i need to try.

But from the Wiki, i understand that only the 20 pre-trained objects can be recognized. So, that's a dead end too.

But wait, reading through the docs again, it seems “Object Classification” is exactly what i need.

Will have to try that.
And i also found this Forum Thread

which shows distinguishing a face wearing a mask / no mask using Object Classification. So that's very close to detecting a smile.

Also, i have the Huskylens PRO, and in it's WIKI, an example using Mind+ is shown, that looks to me as if new objects CAN be learned this way.
I see that training images can also be used from the PC.

So, this is something to look at too.



2024-11-28 23:16:04
1 Replies