Forum >Replies by anonymous
userhead anonymous
Replies (2)
  • You Reply: Have to find specs on posting pictures here? I am trying!
  • You Reply: Similar question.

    I have purchased a lC2 Backpack from Epictinker (PN DFR0175) and a LCD 20*4 display (PN LCD108B6B)
    For some reason they are not working, all I am getting is the backlighting. I have purchased the same pair before and they worked great!? The only difference I see with the backpack is that on the one that worked, there was a second connector for the display coming out the bottom. The ones that I have gotten since just have the buckle connector coming out the right hand side (looking at it from the back) of the board.

    Is this not the correct backpack for the 20*4 LCD display???

    If not what is the correct one?
