Forum >Replies by jbm417
userhead jbm417
Replies (3)
  • You Reply: Leff, thank you for the info. This is just what I needed.
  • You Reply: Hi Jose,

    Yes, the shield does have blue pin headers and 2 minature slide switches.

    I will send an email as you said.

    Thanks, Joe
  • You Reply: Thanks for the reply Jose,

    I want to establsih Arduino-Xbee to Arduino-Xbee communication.

    I am able to configure the 2 Xbees, plugged into a separate USB adapter, using X-CTU. However I was expecting to be able to configure the Xbees when plugged into DFR0015/Arduino. This would
    save me a lot of time moving the Xbees back & forth as I experiment with different configurations.

    The problem seems to center around which comm port is used/recognized by Win XP. For example,
    Arduino Uno programming uses Com4 while X-CTU uses Com6 via a USB serial port/serial converter.

    I was expecting to move the USB switch on DFR0015 to cause Win XP to see the Xbee as a USB device. However, I checked the schematic for DFR0015 and do not even see the Xbee/USB switch or the Run/Prog switch, let alone any way for the Xbee socket to have a USB interface. Is there another schematic anywhere?

    Sorry for long version, but hope this explains the situation a bit more clearly.

    Do you have any guidance?

    Yes, the board is powered up via the USB cable. I am able to program the Uno. The Red LED is blinking on the DFR0015 board.

    TIA, Joe