Forum >Replies by mikedeklerk
userhead mikedeklerk
Replies (7)
  • You Reply: Ok, I have 2-way communication with the df-bluetooth module now. I have put the Rx and Tx pins on the Arduino Uno digital pins 2/3 (interupts). And I have added the NewSoftSerial Library to create a serial connection. I have not got it working 100% correctly (yet). I sometimes get strange characters. But atleast I can send 1 characters commands with fidelity. I have used baudrate 9600. If it does not work, change the wires of the pins Rx <-> Tx, or change the pins on your initialization code. Be sure to use interupt ports.

    Now I have the following issue. Whenever I use the servo or motor to move my robot, the Bluetooth connection resets. I guess this is due a voltage drop. What component can I put in the circuit to prevent the drop? I have read about capacitors/condensators but I have no experience with them at all. Can I use them for my problem? And how much farrad should I use? Can I damage my Arduino or other devices when I pick wrong values?

    Atleast I am happy I have the bluetooth problem 'solved'.

    I have rated the bluetooth devices as bad in the the store, but that one should be removed. i thought it only supported one-way communication. But I was wrong (luckily) Since it is the problem of the Arduino. Or at minimum a combination of the two.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Ok, I have 2-way communication with the df-bluetooth module now. I have put the Rx and Tx pins on the Arduino Uno digital pins 2/3 (interupts). And I have added the NewSoftSerial Library to create a serial connection. I have not got it working 100% correctly (yet). I sometimes get strange characters. But atleast I can send 1 characters commands with fidelity. I have used baudrate 9600. If it does not work, change the wires of the pins Rx <-> Tx, or change the pins on your initialization code. Be sure to use interupt ports.

    Now I have the following issue. Whenever I use the servo or motor to move my robot, the Bluetooth connection resets. I guess this is due a voltage drop. What component can I put in the circuit to prevent the drop? I have read about capacitors/condensators but I have no experience with them at all. Can I use them for my problem? And how much farrad should I use? Can I damage my Arduino or other devices when I pick wrong values?

    Atleast I am happy I have the bluetooth problem 'solved'.

    I have rated the bluetooth devices as bad in the the store, but that one should be removed. i thought it only supported one-way communication. But I was wrong (luckily) Since it is the problem of the Arduino. Or at minimum a combination of the two.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Ok, I have 2-way communication with the df-bluetooth module now. I have put the Rx and Tx pins on the Arduino Uno digital pins 2/3 (interupts). And I have added the NewSoftSerial Library to create a serial connection. I have not got it working 100% correctly (yet). I sometimes get strange characters. But atleast I can send 1 characters commands with fidelity. I have used baudrate 9600. If it does not work, change the wires of the pins Rx <-> Tx, or change the pins on your initialization code. Be sure to use interupt ports.

    Now I have the following issue. Whenever I use the servo or motor to move my robot, the Bluetooth connection resets. I guess this is due a voltage drop. What component can I put in the circuit to prevent the drop? I have read about capacitors/condensators but I have no experience with them at all. Can I use them for my problem? And how much farrad should I use? Can I damage my Arduino or other devices when I pick wrong values?

    Atleast I am happy I have the bluetooth problem 'solved'.

    I have rated the bluetooth devices as bad in the the store, but that one should be removed. i thought it only supported one-way communication. But I was wrong (luckily) Since it is the problem of the Arduino. Or at minimum a combination of the two.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Ok, I have 2-way communication with the df-bluetooth module now. I have put the Rx and Tx pins on the Arduino Uno digital pins 2/3 (interupts). And I have added the NewSoftSerial Library to create a serial connection. I have not got it working 100% correctly (yet). I sometimes get strange characters. But atleast I can send 1 characters commands with fidelity. I have used baudrate 9600. If it does not work, change the wires of the pins Rx <-> Tx, or change the pins on your initialization code. Be sure to use interupt ports.

    Now I have the following issue. Whenever I use the servo or motor to move my robot, the Bluetooth connection resets. I guess this is due a voltage drop. What component can I put in the circuit to prevent the drop? I have read about capacitors/condensators but I have no experience with them at all. Can I use them for my problem? And how much farrad should I use? Can I damage my Arduino or other devices when I pick wrong values?

    Atleast I am happy I have the bluetooth problem 'solved'.

    I have rated the bluetooth devices as bad in the the store, but that one should be removed. i thought it only supported one-way communication. But I was wrong (luckily) Since it is the problem of the Arduino. Or at minimum a combination of the two.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Hi,

    I have bought the following bluetooth module:

    And I have a few questions concerning its operation. Is it designed for receiving any input from other bluetooth devices?

    My scenario:
    - 12 volt power source adapter
    - Uploaoded code with Serial.println("Hello"); and Serial.available()
    - The bluetooth module on pins 0-Rx/1-Tx (Arduino Uno)
    - Com port of the bluetooth module installed on my PC.
    - Opened connection to the com port (Serial Monitor from Arduino IDE)
    - receiving Hello from Arduino = communication from Bluetooth module -> PC works
    - PC sending characters via Serial monitor the bluetooth = it does not receive any data. Or atleast does not send anything back when I use Serial.println(;

    The strange thing is. When i connect the Rx of the bluetooth module to the Tx of the bluetooth module (its talking to itself), and I send data using the Serial Monitor to the bluetooth device I get an echo. So when I type "bla", the bluetooth module receives "bla" and sends "bla" back and the serial monitor prints "bla"!!

    So it is capable of sending, appearently. But not when the signal comes from the Arduino uno!?

    Please help me! As I really want to make my project wireless!

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Hi,

    I have bought the following bluetooth module:

    And I have a few questions concerning its operation. Is it designed for receiving any input from other bluetooth devices?

    My scenario:
    - 12 volt power source adapter
    - Uploaoded code with Serial.println("Hello"); and Serial.available()
    - The bluetooth module on pins 0-Rx/1-Tx (Arduino Uno)
    - Com port of the bluetooth module installed on my PC.
    - Opened connection to the com port (Serial Monitor from Arduino IDE)
    - receiving Hello from Arduino = communication from Bluetooth module -> PC works
    - PC sending characters via Serial monitor the bluetooth = it does not receive any data. Or atleast does not send anything back when I use Serial.println(;

    The strange thing is. When i connect the Rx of the bluetooth module to the Tx of the bluetooth module (its talking to itself), and I send data using the Serial Monitor to the bluetooth device I get an echo. So when I type "bla", the bluetooth module receives "bla" and sends "bla" back and the serial monitor prints "bla"!!

    So it is capable of sending, appearently. But not when the signal comes from the Arduino uno!?

    Please help me! As I really want to make my project wireless!

    Thanks in advance,

  • You Reply: Hi,

    I have bought the following bluetooth module:

    And I have a few questions concerning its operation. Is it designed for receiving any input from other bluetooth devices?

    My scenario:
    - 12 volt power source adapter
    - Uploaoded code with Serial.println("Hello"); and Serial.available()
    - The bluetooth module on pins 0-Rx/1-Tx (Arduino Uno)
    - Com port of the bluetooth module installed on my PC.
    - Opened connection to the com port (Serial Monitor from Arduino IDE)
    - receiving Hello from Arduino = communication from Bluetooth module -> PC works
    - PC sending characters via Serial monitor the bluetooth = it does not receive any data. Or atleast does not send anything back when I use Serial.println(;

    The strange thing is. When i connect the Rx of the bluetooth module to the Tx of the bluetooth module (its talking to itself), and I send data using the Serial Monitor to the bluetooth device I get an echo. So when I type "bla", the bluetooth module receives "bla" and sends "bla" back and the serial monitor prints "bla"!!

    So it is capable of sending, appearently. But not when the signal comes from the Arduino uno!?

    Please help me! As I really want to make my project wireless!

    Thanks in advance,