Forum >Replies by jessy
Replies (5)
  • You Reply: [quote="mexchip"]
    I'm from Mexico/Veracruz
    Please check again, there is a shipping option as DHL (shipping to mexico) in the delivery method section.
  • You Reply: I bougth several things to make an arduino based robot. I have problems to use the wifi shield. One of the features is " Ethernet to wireless bridging". Well, I tried to use it to control the robot by http (webserver) ,but I couldn't configure it to make a simple webserver in arduino with ethernet library. The wifi shield configured as "client" connect correctly to my router and I can access to the web config tool via WIFI but I couldn't access to the arduino html webserver I program via WIFI or  the RJ45. How can I configure the wifi shield to use it like the "ethernet shield" but via wifi?

    Also, the VIN and 5,5 V pin of the shild doesn't work. If I put "sensor shiled V5" at top, It didn't receive power. If I put it under the wifi shield both shields receive power. that's normal?
  • You Reply: The voltage applied is ~9v (6x1.5 battery) I don't know about the current consumption or the motor, this is thoses given in your "tank platform kit for arduino
    so i guess thoses parts are supposed to work together.
  • You Reply: Hi there, we have recently bought two of this - 2A Dual Motor Controller and we are having troubles making the motors go backward, all your software is working well but backward. Can you give us some help in this point please? Is quite strange because when going left or right one motor is going forward and the other one backward, so I can image is not a motor problem, looks like bridge can not manage both motors going backward...

    We also bought this - Bluetooh Bee, but we can not make it work, we can see the BT device in the list of our gadgets but can not communicate with it, do you have any kind of datasheet, code example or something like that?
  • You Reply: I've done some more tests:
    - The main chip is overheating after 3/4 minuts of power
    - Sometime the second motor powerup & down for some seconds then nothing
    - There's no soldering, screw or motor issue, i've double checked

    I really think this board has something broken.