Forum >Replies by massimo.marcon
userhead massimo.marcon
Replies (4)
  • You Reply: hello Hector,
    thanks for reply
    do you have available the sensor schematic?
    I'd like to check it out to see if with some slight modification I can get this goal
  • You Reply: Hi Hector,
    I already saw the picture you sent me, it is good but is not having the same ID given to the connectors in the schematic.Can you provide me this info, it is only to make sure avoiding mistakes when making connections.


  • You Reply: Hi Hector, you are quite right : using a couple of jumpers is better.
    Just one more info, do you have available the component view of DFR0088 to perform cross checks with its schematic?
  • You Reply: Hello Hector,
    From your reply I understand that if I set the jumpers on DFR0088 for RS-485 the serial port of Xbee will not be connected to the HW serial port TX/RX of Arduino, do you confirm?
    In this case your idea of using the software serial port for the Xbee-Arduino connection looks great but I should solder two wires between two digital pins on arduino and the two pins of the serial port of Xbee.Is that right?

    Thanks for your help
