You Reply: In order to help, we need to see your code. Can you post it?
You Reply: PWM values range from 0 to 255. Try 255, see if you get the same speed, and then try 150 for slower.
You Reply: I ended up using black tape instead of paint, but it works fine. Here's a picture of one of the two home-made encoders using the Vishay TCST1202 photo interrupter. I just used hot glue to mount it. Since the encoder board sticks up above the chassis base I use standoffs to mount the plate with the Romeo controller and other electronics.
You Reply: I ended up picking up some Vishay TCST1202 transmissive optical sensors from DigiKey, and wiring them up based on the circuit in the arduino forum discussion on "Homemade wheel encoder." the circuit works, but the IR seems to go [b]through[/b] the white plastic wheel, not just through the hole! The circuit works if I put tape on the wheel, or move other objects in and out of the slot in the sensor, just not with the wheel. So I suspect I'll try painting the face of the wheel.
You Reply: Hector, Thanks! For some reason when I run the serial comm. example, the motors make a strange
tone that really doesn't sound like a motor. I don't get that running some other examples,
just a motor noise like I'd expect. But that's fine.