You Reply: Hi
To be honest.... I don't have any idea about if there is any filter implemented in the code but.... It's very stable and it works pretty well.
I have tried several IMU libraries and codes and this is which gives the best results to me.
Best regards
You Reply: Hi Jose,
Thank you very much :)
No, it hasn't infrared sensors to avoid falling down stairs, there are no stairs in my flat so... falling sensors are not necessary. in any case... it would be very easy to add them if they were necessary.
There are too many things to improve on it, (code, sensor location, IMU calibration, etc) but I want to have the main features running before going to debug these things :)
The camera is one of the most important sensor, I'm using [url=http://www.roborealm.com]www.roborealm.com[/url] software with the module AVM [url=http://www.roborealm.com/help/AVM_Navigator.php]http://www.roborealm.com/help/AVM_Navigator.php[/url] .
The target is having at least 2 modes, manual and autonomous. using the manual mode I will control the robot using a web interface and the autonomous mode the robot will go throught the different rooms and taking images or video.
Also I will program a routine to go to the charger base when the robot will be with low battery.
All of these I want to do it with the roborealm software.
As you can see.... I will need too many enjoyable hours before finishing it :)
All the best
You Reply: Hi Jose,
First of all, thank you very much for your answer.
I will only use the robot in indoor environments and the voltage provided is 5,20 v so... as you said there wuld be any problem with the temperature.
In any case, I have put a heatsink on the voltage regulator and also on the wifi module.... just in case....
In the future I want to put all the electronic inside a plastic case or inside a custom acrylic box (maybe using the ponoko laser cur service) and I'm also thinking putting a fan to extract the hot air when the temperature gets high inside the enclousure.
I have attached a couple of images to show you the "prototype". Now I'm working in the program which send the command by wifi. I use roborealm to do it.
Many thanks for your answer :)
Best regards
You Reply: Thank you very much Ricky
Yes, it will be easy using a wire with 3 female pin connector to 3 separated pins
You Reply: Hello,
I was trying options and searching for information about IP-Serial for arduino and I found that [url=http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/SerialIP#Examples]http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/SerialIP#Examples[/url].
I tried the "hello world" sketch and.... the telnet answer but I didn't have enough time to try another things. The dfrobot wifi shield is configured as "client" mode .
I think this library or similar like this could be the solution but I don't know how to use it at 100%.
You Reply: Hello,
I was trying options and searching for information about IP-Serial for arduino and I found that [url=http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/SerialIP#Examples]http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/SerialIP#Examples[/url].
I tried the "hello world" sketch and.... the telnet answer but I didn't have enough time to try another things. The dfrobot wifi shield is configured as "client" mode .
I think this library or similar like this could be the solution but I don't know how to use it at 100%.
You Reply: Hi every body,
If you set the serial jumper "OFF", the shiled works like a bridge but... a bridge or a repeater?
I have a wifi bridge that make a wifi conected system anything that has a net conector RJ45, for example IPCAMs or an arduino with a ethernet shield.
The conection between the ethernet shield and arduino, more less, is serial transfer, well I think so.
At the wifi shield, I supose the lan IP an the WAN it's the same. I couldn't use this shield to conet to my network using the RJ45 conexion.
I see something about server & client configuration, ports etc at the manual, but I didn't had time to try more things
You Reply: Hi every body,
If you set the serial jumper "OFF", the shiled works like a bridge but... a bridge or a repeater?
I have a wifi bridge that make a wifi conected system anything that has a net conector RJ45, for example IPCAMs or an arduino with a ethernet shield.
The conection between the ethernet shield and arduino, more less, is serial transfer, well I think so.
At the wifi shield, I supose the lan IP an the WAN it's the same. I couldn't use this shield to conet to my network using the RJ45 conexion.
I see something about server & client configuration, ports etc at the manual, but I didn't had time to try more things
You Reply: First of all, thanks to Jessy to post my question at the forum and thanks to Jonczu to answer.
I have an ethernet shield and a wifi bridge ([url=http://cgi.ebay.com/Vonets-VAP11G-Wifi-Bridge-Wireless-Dreambox-PS3-XBox-/110639566834?pt=UK_Computing_Networking_SM&hash=item19c2a1cff2#ht_3434wt_905]http://cgi.ebay.com/Vonets-VAP11G-Wifi-Bridge-Wireless-Dreambox-PS3-XBox-/110639566834?pt=UK_Computing_Networking_SM&hash=item19c2a1cff2#ht_3434wt_905[/url]) that I used to control the arduino. I used the ethernet library and de webserver library to make a sketch.
Then when I put de ip of the arduino I get the sensors info and if I put something like than "" I control de LED, for example.
I want to change the ethernet shield and the wifi bridge for the dfrobot wifi shield. I configure the wifi shield like "client mode" to be connected to my router and I works fine. I can make a ping form my PC and I can access to the web admin via wifi.
My problem is that I don't which code I have to use in the new skech to do the same that I do whith the ethernet shield and wifi bridge.
I want to put in my PC browser the IP of the arduino and get the sensor info and control the arduino with parameters at the url, parsing the URL getting the parameter (for example parameter led=on) and then process the parameter in order to change the LED status.
Someona know how to do it?
thanks for all
You Reply: First of all, thanks to Jessy to post my question at the forum and thanks to Jonczu to answer.
I have an ethernet shield and a wifi bridge ([url=http://cgi.ebay.com/Vonets-VAP11G-Wifi-Bridge-Wireless-Dreambox-PS3-XBox-/110639566834?pt=UK_Computing_Networking_SM&hash=item19c2a1cff2#ht_3434wt_905]http://cgi.ebay.com/Vonets-VAP11G-Wifi-Bridge-Wireless-Dreambox-PS3-XBox-/110639566834?pt=UK_Computing_Networking_SM&hash=item19c2a1cff2#ht_3434wt_905[/url]) that I used to control the arduino. I used the ethernet library and de webserver library to make a sketch.
Then when I put de ip of the arduino I get the sensors info and if I put something like than "" I control de LED, for example.
I want to change the ethernet shield and the wifi bridge for the dfrobot wifi shield. I configure the wifi shield like "client mode" to be connected to my router and I works fine. I can make a ping form my PC and I can access to the web admin via wifi.
My problem is that I don't which code I have to use in the new skech to do the same that I do whith the ethernet shield and wifi bridge.
I want to put in my PC browser the IP of the arduino and get the sensor info and control the arduino with parameters at the url, parsing the URL getting the parameter (for example parameter led=on) and then process the parameter in order to change the LED status.
Someona know how to do it?
thanks for all