You Reply: If you read the previous message, I have already tried on a second PC (laptop).
Shall I try a third?
I will try a third and forth PC, I have a couple of windows machines I haven't tried yet.
I have 32 and 64 bit linux boxes, so I will try on all of them too.
You Reply: If you read the previous message, I have already tried on a second PC (laptop).
Shall I try a third?
I will try a third and forth PC, I have a couple of windows machines I haven't tried yet.
I have 32 and 64 bit linux boxes, so I will try on all of them too.
You Reply: I had mentioned I had done that exact series of steps from the Device driver.
I also downloaded Arduino IDE onto a windows laptop to take my PC out of the equation. Same problem.
Contact me please on my email to give me instructions for returning under warrantee please.
You Reply: I had mentioned I had done that exact series of steps from the Device driver.
I also downloaded Arduino IDE onto a windows laptop to take my PC out of the equation. Same problem.
Contact me please on my email to give me instructions for returning under warrantee please.
You Reply: Sorry. I don't understand your explanation. There are dozens of files under the directory you pointed me at. Which full file paths do I need to use and in what order please?
There are *.inf files, *.exe files etc.
Step by step please.
I did try from Device manager, after first deleting driver using Device manager. Pointed Device manager at the driver folder. It installed and same problem.
So are you suggesting manually running install from driver folders in some order?
You Reply: Sorry. I don't understand your explanation. There are dozens of files under the directory you pointed me at. Which full file paths do I need to use and in what order please?
There are *.inf files, *.exe files etc.
Step by step please.
I did try from Device manager, after first deleting driver using Device manager. Pointed Device manager at the driver folder. It installed and same problem.
So are you suggesting manually running install from driver folders in some order?
You Reply: Just an observation. I scrutinised the board and found one of the inductors has a hairline crack in it. Do all the boards in a batch go through quality control or does DFR only check a percentage? Not sure this would contribute the problem though.
I have to admit I went up and bought a 5th cable, still no luck. So it isn't the cable. I can talk to my other arduino boards on the same USB port with the same IDE so there is definitely something fishy about the curienano that I was sent I believe.
You Reply: Just an observation. I scrutinised the board and found one of the inductors has a hairline crack in it. Do all the boards in a batch go through quality control or does DFR only check a percentage? Not sure this would contribute the problem though.
I have to admit I went up and bought a 5th cable, still no luck. So it isn't the cable. I can talk to my other arduino boards on the same USB port with the same IDE so there is definitely something fishy about the curienano that I was sent I believe.
You Reply: I seem to have received a dud. I downloaded the latest arduino ide. Followed the example on the wiki to load blink (including the Intel curie board core). I get the device recognized by windoze 10. I turns up in the Port menu of IDE. I have selected the correct board.
Get board info returns:
BN: Arduino/Genuino 101
VID: 8087
SN: 00.01
Error on screen is:
Arduino: 1.6.12 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino 101"
Sketch uses 17,628 bytes (11%) of program storage space. Maximum is 155,648 bytes.
Starting download script...
Flashing is taking longer than expected
Try pressing MASTER_RESET button
ERROR: Timed out waiting for Arduino 101 on COM7
ERROR: Timed out waiting for Arduino 101 on COM7
When I try to load the flashing led pauses for a moment, and then continues on flashing. I changed the blink times to make sure but the led blinks once a second (the default blink on the board).
Any ideas please?
Same problem on 1.6.9 IDE.
Same problem no matter which programmer I choose.
I have tried 4 different USB cables.
You Reply: 1. I will try on another computer to see if the same problem happens. That may not help as the actual driver called by the config file is sitting on the computer so unless there was something I was supposed to download onto the USB dongle then it might simply turn out to be a QC problem on the dongle.
2. Yes, that's the claim but the question was has anyone here tried. No matter, I guess I will try.