Forum >Replies by robomotic
userhead robomotic
Replies (3)
  • You Reply: Initial photostream[url=] here[/url].

    As a beginning I will use a Norduino to add the 2.4 GHz telemetry and control (bi-directional).


    The other pictures are to show the dimensions  of the other components.
  • You Reply: Ups I saw that, well the only electronic device that my wife will allow me to touch during xmas is the light controller, I doubt will make any in time for that.  :-X
    Thanks though for the advice.
  • You Reply: Hello,
    oky thanks for the clarification.
    I could even use a 7.4 V lipo 2S with perhaps a protection diode to bring it to a safe level.
    I will post my progress and hopefully I will not blow up anything.
    That's my little xmas project.