You Reply: Perfect,
Thanks admin
You Reply: Hi Admin
Documentation OK,
But have you datasheet, and AT command documentation ??
You Reply: Thank's admin,
I think you can update all shields like this one : documentation & schematic.
All custumer will apreciate.
You Reply: Thank's admin,
But It's same doc than previous version.
where is on V1 :
[quote]Wireless Select Jumper
Applying the Wireless Select Jumper will allow the Romeo communicate via its wireless module such as APC220 and DF-Bluetooth module. If no wireless module is plugged, this jumper does not make any difference.
Removing the jumper will disable wireless module and allows the sketch to be uploaded.
You Reply: Thank's admin,
Can we have datasheet of bluetooth module, to have complete AT command set like, data bits, parity, cts/rts , etc ...
Which pins used by DFR Bluetooth be ?
Tx, rx, Gnd, Vcc 3V, etc ... ??
You Reply: There is currently no text in this page. >:(
You Reply: hello Support Team,
I have a Bluetooth bee, I need same documentations : shematic, pin used, datasheet, AT command set documentation.
Sincerly, Teiva
You Reply: Hi Support team,
I have V3 Bluetooth module, can you give me shematic, pin documentation, datasheet and AT command set documentation.
Sincerly, Teiva