You Reply: Hi Admin,
I followed your recommendation and I tried a 6xAA battery pack with 6 NiMH batteries (almost 7,4V).
Unfortunately the problem is still there.
I've noticed 3 behaviour following the way the Romeo board is powered :
1- Via Usb cable and 5 batteries connected to motor power (6) : OK and works fine.
2- 9V Via Power IN jack : nothing, all the LED of the board are OFF.
3- Via motor power (6) and motor power jumper (5) on : the 3 LED (pwr, rx, tx) are ON half a seconde and then OFF.
It seems the board is not able to regulate the 5V.
I've been very careful and applied the power correctly (no reverse polarity).
I purchased an Arduino UNO and its 2A Motor shield too, it works fine in any way with the 4WD Mobile Platform.
Hope you'll find a solution.
Best Regards
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.
You Reply: Hi Admin,
a few weeks ago I purchased from DFRobot :
- 1 Romeo 2010
- 1 4WD Mobile Platform
- some others items (sensors, 9v battery adapter...)
Everything is ok except one point, the only way to power the board is the USB cable.
I'm not able to power the Romeo by :
- connecting the 5 AA batteries pack to the (6) Motor Power entries and setting the (5) Motor Power Jumper.
- Removing the (5) Motor Power Jumper and connecting a 9v battery with a jack adapter to the (12) Romeo power input.
The Romeo + 4WD platform work fine if the board is connected to the computer with USB cable and the DC motor powered with the 5 AA batteries pack ... too bad for a mobile platform.
Any advice ?
PS : Sorry for my broken english.