You Reply: I'm using the DRI0009. Add a wire from the DRI0009 negative post to the mega ground pin?
You Reply: I'm using the DRI0009. Add a wire from the DRI0009 negative post to the mega ground pin?
You Reply: Hi,
I realize that this is an old topic, but I think this is the problem that I'm having.
I can not picture in my mind how to supply a common ground between the arduino mega and the motor controller's battery.
my set up right now is I have a separate battery for the mega and the motor controller shield.
The motor controller shield is sitting on top of my mega.
The mega is being powered by battery "A" through the barrel jack connector.
The motor shield has positive and negative screw terminals attached to battery "B".
A picture or illustration will help me if you please. Do I just put a wire between the motor shield's negative screw terminal to the Mega's ground?
thank you!
You Reply: Hi,
I realize that this is an old topic, but I think this is the problem that I'm having.
I can not picture in my mind how to supply a common ground between the arduino mega and the motor controller's battery.
my set up right now is I have a separate battery for the mega and the motor controller shield.
The motor controller shield is sitting on top of my mega.
The mega is being powered by battery "A" through the barrel jack connector.
The motor shield has positive and negative screw terminals attached to battery "B".
A picture or illustration will help me if you please. Do I just put a wire between the motor shield's negative screw terminal to the Mega's ground?
thank you!