Forum >Replies by Mikael Bergvall
userhead Mikael Bergvall
Replies (9)
  • You Reply:

    What does the K=10 and K=1 standard for? 

  • You Reply:

    Does the Gravity: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor PRO (K=1) mesure a value as a sample 1.413 without jumping up and down? Someone testet it? 

  • You Reply:

    What variables need to be modified?

  • You Reply:

    From DF page ( sample code in 1.4 test solution. 


    voltage:32.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.4ms/cm

    voltage:41.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.8ms/cm

    voltage:29.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.3ms/cm

    voltage:38.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.7ms/cm

    voltage:51.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:2.2ms/cm

    voltage:32.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.4ms/cm

    voltage:38.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.7ms/cm

    voltage:51.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:2.2ms/cm

    voltage:32.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.4ms/cm

    voltage:29.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.3ms/cm

    voltage:25.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.1ms/cm

    voltage:45.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:2.0ms/cm

    voltage:32.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.4ms/cm

    voltage:38.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.7ms/cm

    voltage:25.00  temperature:25.0^C  EC:1.1ms/cm

  • You Reply:

    UNO, FireBettle esp32-e and MKR 1010 Wifi

  • You Reply:

    Also buy a new meter, a was thinking the old one was broken. 

  • You Reply:

    I have calibrate it on 3 different bords with alot of different values for voltage, tested 3,3 and 5 v. Same all the time, soon give up on this. 

  • You Reply:

    When I calibrate the sensors EC and PH on a UNO bord it works, But when a switch back to Beetle esp32 e the calibration dosent work and a cant calibrate on the Beetle esp32 e. So what to do? What is the best card for me to use in this case? 



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