Forum >Replies by Jonathan.Huegi
userhead Jonathan.Huegi
Replies (2)
  • You Reply:

    I am able to adjust the output voltage through the potentiomerer, that is not my issue. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but the TDS 

    say there's a calibration mode where I, as far as I understand, I would be able to tune the display so it's reporting a more exact value. Currently it's off by 0.4V which is quite a lot proportionally when adjusting for a 5 or 6V out.

  • You Reply:

    No production date marked. Bought through Digikey a couple of weeks ago.Input is ≥1.5V output. Total output power is ~2W and only on for 1-5min every 1-120min in a room temperature well ventilated area, so I'm confident it's not overheating.


    The website / TDS (for example  say I should be able to calibrate the input and output to get a more precise voltage reading on the display. But I am unable to enter that calibration mode.