
Need more information on ph sensors

userHead ganurag0117 2020-11-21 21:59:42 2550 Views2 Replies
Hi guys
I want to measure the ph of the soil although the product Gravity: Analog pH Sensor / Meter Kit For Arduino:
is for aqueous solution can a little sample of soil be dissolved in water and its ph be meaured? Will that be accurate/reliable? Also will it damage /affect the probe badly resulting in short life or poor results.
Also Analog Spear Tip pH Sensor / Meter Kit:
says it can be used for semi solid. It can be used to measure pH value of wet soil.What is moisture percentage to be classified as semi solid or wet soil.
These details i could not find so please guide.
2020-11-26 12:50:30 Hi
Thanks a lot for the help. I was also curious about if there is any other cheaper alternative to measure ph . I also found this : ... bUQAvD_BwE
How ths device is measuring ph at such low price ,is it reliable/accurate?Please guide.
userHeadPic ganurag0117
2020-11-25 09:03:12 Hi, i suggest you not to use SEN0161 to detect the pH value of diluted soil. First, the principle is unreliable. After dilution, the pH value of the soil will change (unless the pH is exactly equal to 7), and secondly, if you use SEN0161 to measure impurities with soil turbidity, the data is not reliable enough and you need to increase the number of calibrations later. If the soil impurities in the solution are too large, it may affect (damage) the probe, so i would recommend you to detect wet soil with SEN0249. As for the distinction between semi-solid and wet soil you mentioned, it is not recommended to use water content as the judgement standard, since it is not easy to judge. If you can knead the soil into thick mud strips.It means that the relative humidity of the soil is about 70% and the moisture content is appropriate. Please note: 1. Ensure that the electrode can easily be penetrated a certain depth in the soil. 2. The soil should not contain any hard substances. If you still have any questions, please contact me again. userHeadPic wangyf8797