You Reply: hey Ricky, thanks for your reply, i will recheck value again, i found an article on diy drone and sum guys was using 4 apc220 modules because 2 couldnt handle the telemetry and comms, but i cant imagine thats my problem. and i changed the baudrate to 19600 on sketch , script and the apc220 modules, but that didnt help. in just at a loss because even if the set up cant interpret quick enough, had having lost packets etc, it wud still move a lil, the one indication i have is over cable on power up the servo realigns ( u hear a noise) and with the apc220 plugged in that doesnt happan.
the video shows what i have it doing -
You Reply: sorry for mot replying sooner, thank you, i love you soo much lol, seriously thank you, does it exactly want i wanted it to do and its being manipulated from a vb6 front end so all i do is click buttons, click forwards it goes..forward, click left it starts turning left and stop will stop any command dead in its tank track.. ive even managed to get data output (printins) from arduino to vb.
again thanks again for the help
You Reply: thanks for your responses guys,
heres my advance sub
int E1 = 5; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 6; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 4; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
int Relay = 3;
///For previous Romeo, please use these pins.
//int E1 = 6; //M1 Speed Control
//int E2 = 9; //M2 Speed Control
//int M1 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
//int M2 = 8; //M1 Direction Control
void stop(void) //Stop
void advance(char a,char b) //Move forward
analogWrite (E1,a); //PWM Speed Control
analogWrite (E2,b);
the motors are buried deep within a hull of a rc ferry and using the supplied 7.2 volt battery pack. neither motor turned if value was set at (100,100) or at 600 just the noise, 750 was enough to make them move and at 1000 they turned like they did wen 12v was run directly to them.weird much.
You Reply: Hi Hector, it was reverse polarity , the left drive motor went backwards when the right went forward.
all sorted now tho, so tanks for your help u legend
You Reply: ok thanks for reply, il recheck internal wiring and the check to see if the motor are running in reverse polarity..
the code is the sample code from the wiki yeah, some values where changed for speed.
on the pwm
turn_L (100,100);
what is the highest it can go? and the lowest? and is the (100,100) the two motors? and can i change the two values? ie. (155,255)?
still cant work out how running both motors HIGH , runs one motor HIGH and the other LOW as in turning , even with reverse polarity seems way weird.
You Reply: thanks for the reply Hector, ok just to clarify, i dont want to use any other sensors for the robots autonomous activities, just the 3 Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switches, as in the code pinMode( A2 , INPUT);
pinMode( A3 , INPUT);
pinMode( A1 , INPUT);..
i wasnt sure if the actually ir remote and recier was needed in part, but that is just for remote control? and not for object avoidence?
this first bit of the video shows the ping sensor moving (is that working with the ir sensors), and later on in the video its has the bot go foward back turn left for ward etc against a wall, the servo for ping was that being used?
im sorry i think im getting a lil confused on autonomous movement, the ping sensor and ir sensor do the same thing, range find??? just in different ways?? more sensors better it navigate , but it can work autonomous just using the 3 ir sensors? sorry
You Reply: TADD, lol i like that,
i was wondering hector if you can point me in the direction of a motor controller that can be used to power 3 12volt /3amp motors? the board i have romeo doesn't have the power to drive one of these motors
and would likely pop my chip, but also cant actually find a 3amp controller, apart from this[url=http://www.ebay.dfrobot.uk/itm/12V-24V-3A-DC-Motor-Speed-Control-PWM-HHO-RC-Controller-/320683792011?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Control_ET&hash=item4aaa3e568b]http://www.ebay.dfrobot.uk/itm/12V-24V-3A-DC-Motor-Speed-Control-PWM-HHO-RC-Controller-/320683792011?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Control_ET&hash=item4aaa3e568b
[/url] from what i can see i could jack in a micro controller to the screw rail connecting the potentiometer??
thank you
You Reply: im a noob too , lol, but il share what i know...
first off as a noob i found the romeo board, which actually has a motor controller built in which is sweet, second bonus with the romeo is that it has a dedicated pin header to connect the acp220 (rf module) or the dfrobot bluetooth module,. the board also so has a load of push buttons and i have found it very suited for a first time robot builder as it incorporates a load of hardware in one package.
my robot , moves via a keypress from keyboard to the serial monitor of the software program used to code, the com(usb of pc) port has another apc220 modules connected to it, and thus my robot is wireless in the form of radio frequency, as for control from the INTERNET i think u need to use a Ethernet shield(>?? cite).
you tube, instructables.com, google, letsmakerobots.com, ardunio website and playground and there are others , but theses sites can be very very helpful and informative,
sorry if this hasnt helped lol,
o yeah, sample code for movement from the romeo manual
Sample Code?
int E1 = 5; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 6; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 4; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
///For previous Romeo, please use these pins.
int E1 = 6; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 9; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 8; //M1 Direction Control
void stop(void) //Stop
void advance(char a,char b) //Move forward
analogWrite (E1,a); //PWM Speed Control
analogWrite (E2,b);
void back_off (char a,char b) //Move backward
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void turn_L (char a,char b) //Turn Left
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void turn_R (char a,char b) //Turn Right
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void setup(void)
int i;
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(19200); //Set Baud Rate
void loop(void)
char val = Serial.read();
case 'w'://Move Forward
advance (100,100); //PWM Speed Control
case 's'://Move Backward
back_off (100,100);
case 'a'://Turn Left
turn_L (100,100);
case 'd'://Turn Right
turn_R (100,100);
else stop();
You Reply: thanks for the reply hector
instructables.com is a good site, trouble is for me i open up to many pages wen something catches my eye and i hadnt come across that article so thanks and the link to the 360 servo which im considering for another part of my project,
but the motor i am intending to power is incorporated into a piece of hardware(mini bb machine gun) and i want direct control over firing from pc, suppose i probably should have stated where and whatt he motor will do.
thanks for your reply and link dude;
You Reply: hi admin, i board is being sent back so should have a replacement soon, in the mean time i have bought another romeo board to hopefully get the apc220 rf modules working
[i]void setup()
//Air Rate should be set according to the APC220 Modules
void loop()
//Arduino side transmit once every 500ms,received by APC220 side
Serial.println(" My Robot");
this is the code uploaded to board and responds via usb connection but does not when using the modules, , i thought the romeo board was simply swap round the usb for the apc220 and then change com port on pc side?
my aim is to use these modules to move the robot from the ide com port from pc if thats possible with these transmitters?
if you are able to help with this issue to i would be very grateful too,
You Reply: hi admin, i board is being sent back so should have a replacement soon, in the mean time i have bought another romeo board to hopefully get the apc220 rf modules working
[i]void setup()
//Air Rate should be set according to the APC220 Modules
void loop()
//Arduino side transmit once every 500ms,received by APC220 side
Serial.println(" My Robot");
this is the code uploaded to board and responds via usb connection but does not when using the modules, , i thought the romeo board was simply swap round the usb for the apc220 and then change com port on pc side?
my aim is to use these modules to move the robot from the ide com port from pc if thats possible with these transmitters?
if you are able to help with this issue to i would be very grateful too,
You Reply: hey admin, i received an email today from the supplier, said they where out of stock and will be placing and order with you, the annoying thing is that ive been told to send the mcu to their technical department, which is in Portugal, which means postage is probably going to be expensive.
You Reply: hey admin, i received an email today from the supplier, said they where out of stock and will be placing and order with you, the annoying thing is that ive been told to send the mcu to their technical department, which is in Portugal, which means postage is probably going to be expensive.
You Reply: hi admin, pm'ed the sellers url to you , hope they respond to you.
You Reply: hi admin, pm'ed the sellers url to you , hope they respond to you.
You Reply: thanks again for your reply,
the romeo board was bought from a reseller in the united kingdom and not actually bought via this site, mainly because i cant afford the import fee.
should i pursue this with the seller used?
thanks for your time
You Reply: thanks again for your reply,
the romeo board was bought from a reseller in the united kingdom and not actually bought via this site, mainly because i cant afford the import fee.
should i pursue this with the seller used?
thanks for your time
You Reply: hi admin thanks for your reply,
i should have said that the apc220 modules has been disconnected in attempts to get the mcu recognized.
i have also swapped out the usb cables, the 3 that i have dont make any difference nor does switching to another usb port, the strange thing is that when the "pc side" usb/ttl converter +apc220 is connected via usb port the pc sees it immediately. with that and that the cables where pulled from working devices(printers) and that usb ports do work on pc, brings it back to the usb port on the mcu, which holding the cable in at different angles doesnt spark any life either on pc end unfortunately.yet the pwr light also ways comes one when plugged in. im at a total loss.
also to do add, powering the board externally is done by the gnd to the blue gnd screw socket of the romeo, yet the dfrobot is connected to the vin=m jumper next to the blue screw sockets , as its never powered via two cables screwed in..
also my failed communication attempts which modules that are both picked by computer and seem to work, but not with simple code, followed this
[url=http://www.emartee.com/product/41855/] http://www.emartee.com/product/41855/[/url] yet nothing worked, the romeo i thought you just had to plug the apc220 in and its ready to go with that above code,
could these problems be an indication of a faulty board?
You Reply: hi admin thanks for your reply,
i should have said that the apc220 modules has been disconnected in attempts to get the mcu recognized.
i have also swapped out the usb cables, the 3 that i have dont make any difference nor does switching to another usb port, the strange thing is that when the "pc side" usb/ttl converter +apc220 is connected via usb port the pc sees it immediately. with that and that the cables where pulled from working devices(printers) and that usb ports do work on pc, brings it back to the usb port on the mcu, which holding the cable in at different angles doesnt spark any life either on pc end unfortunately.yet the pwr light also ways comes one when plugged in. im at a total loss.
also to do add, powering the board externally is done by the gnd to the blue gnd screw socket of the romeo, yet the dfrobot is connected to the vin=m jumper next to the blue screw sockets , as its never powered via two cables screwed in..
also my failed communication attempts which modules that are both picked by computer and seem to work, but not with simple code, followed this
[url=http://www.emartee.com/product/41855/] http://www.emartee.com/product/41855/[/url] yet nothing worked, the romeo i thought you just had to plug the apc220 in and its ready to go with that above code,
could these problems be an indication of a faulty board?
You Reply: Hello..this is probably my first post ever..lol.
i have a romeo board v1.0 (2010 i think) recently bought around two week ago now, my pc recognized the board and wen driver was installed it all was working ok, but a few hours ago after uploading a sketch to try and communicate via the APC220 module (very unsuccessful) it is no no longer regonised by my computer.
the mcu usb port when the cable is in, is very loose now, but the mcu still power on (red pwr light on) and the "L" led flashes on, yet nothing from pc end. i removed the driver on my laptop and reinstalled it and that hasnt made it seen. this is very annoying and dam depressing as nothing i have actually done has worked properly in regards to this robot, so please if there is any one who can help,shed some light on this pc not recognizing mcu problem i would be very thankful.
thanks for your time..