You Reply: Hi,
After digging the net for some clues, I managed to find a solution to run RF-Magic. Basically, I follow the post at http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1382503&page=96 and there is a very strange procedure! Basically, I need to change the COM port no. from the system detected COM24 to COM2 (an un-used lower port no.) and then start the RF-Magic (as administrator) again. It then works!
Anyway, the next issue to is to make it works on PuTTY.
You Reply: Hi Hector,
I just tried to configure the WPA. Same as before, it didn't show anything when I press "connect WPM". I then tried all the baud rates as you suggested and I saw the blue led blink briefly every time when I press connect. It tells me that at least it is trying to talk to the WPA. So, I exit the wireless programmer and re-run it again. This time, when I press "connect WPM", IT JUST WORK ;D No idea what caused the problem in the first place (may be the problem is on the wireless programmer?).
I just loaded a sketch using the two WPAs and they work without any problem. A simple Serial.println"Hello" example also shows up nicely in the serial terminal.
Thanks a lot Hector and my confidence with DFRobot is back :D
Just for your information, I tested out the bluetooth module with the RoMeo All-in-one controller, it worked the first time I tried it. Same to the SPI LCD module.
You Reply: Hi Hector,
Thanks. I was programming it for Duemilanove 328. I had no problem with the first one but just failed on the 2nd one. Anyway, I'll try again and follow your suggestions as well.