Forum >Replies by Jonczu
userhead Jonczu
Replies (20)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Thanks for the reply and yes it is all very clear now
    I'll still try to work it out for curiosity sake

    Thanks again
    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Thanks for the reply and yes it is all very clear now
    I'll still try to work it out for curiosity sake

    Thanks again
    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Thanks for the reply and yes it is all very clear now
    I'll still try to work it out for curiosity sake

    Thanks again
    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Thanks for the reply and yes it is all very clear now
    I'll still try to work it out for curiosity sake

    Thanks again
    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Wondering if its because the router is an apple product ( has issues with compatibility). ::)
  • You Reply: Wondering if its because the router is an apple product ( has issues with compatibility). ::)
  • You Reply: Wondering if its because the router is an apple product ( has issues with compatibility). ::)
  • You Reply: Wondering if its because the router is an apple product ( has issues with compatibility). ::)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    I did what you said and managed to connect the shield to my ap and the web ;D but when I went to open the airport utility it couldn't find the router on the network (no prob) ??? so I logged on to another computer and opened my router page but all I could see was the wireless client (doesn't give ip) :(. I couldn't see the shield under dhcp clients (which gives ip). So I reset shield and started all over again but in the client settings I noticed WAN port:  setup  which gave me the option of static ip, I set this to static and uploaded reset etc, I then noticed that it connected to the web and that I could log onto the shield via What I was wondering is what is the difference in using dhcp client or static ip and if using dhcp client in the wan port setup how can I get my router to see the shield (it's funny because the router connects the shield to the web but doesn't display it in its dhcp client list).

    Jon Czudek 

    Here is a screen shot.
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    I did what you said and managed to connect the shield to my ap and the web ;D but when I went to open the airport utility it couldn't find the router on the network (no prob) ??? so I logged on to another computer and opened my router page but all I could see was the wireless client (doesn't give ip) :(. I couldn't see the shield under dhcp clients (which gives ip). So I reset shield and started all over again but in the client settings I noticed WAN port:  setup  which gave me the option of static ip, I set this to static and uploaded reset etc, I then noticed that it connected to the web and that I could log onto the shield via What I was wondering is what is the difference in using dhcp client or static ip and if using dhcp client in the wan port setup how can I get my router to see the shield (it's funny because the router connects the shield to the web but doesn't display it in its dhcp client list).

    Jon Czudek 

    Here is a screen shot.
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    I did what you said and managed to connect the shield to my ap and the web ;D but when I went to open the airport utility it couldn't find the router on the network (no prob) ??? so I logged on to another computer and opened my router page but all I could see was the wireless client (doesn't give ip) :(. I couldn't see the shield under dhcp clients (which gives ip). So I reset shield and started all over again but in the client settings I noticed WAN port:  setup  which gave me the option of static ip, I set this to static and uploaded reset etc, I then noticed that it connected to the web and that I could log onto the shield via What I was wondering is what is the difference in using dhcp client or static ip and if using dhcp client in the wan port setup how can I get my router to see the shield (it's funny because the router connects the shield to the web but doesn't display it in its dhcp client list).

    Jon Czudek 

    Here is a screen shot.
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    I did what you said and managed to connect the shield to my ap and the web ;D but when I went to open the airport utility it couldn't find the router on the network (no prob) ??? so I logged on to another computer and opened my router page but all I could see was the wireless client (doesn't give ip) :(. I couldn't see the shield under dhcp clients (which gives ip). So I reset shield and started all over again but in the client settings I noticed WAN port:  setup  which gave me the option of static ip, I set this to static and uploaded reset etc, I then noticed that it connected to the web and that I could log onto the shield via What I was wondering is what is the difference in using dhcp client or static ip and if using dhcp client in the wan port setup how can I get my router to see the shield (it's funny because the router connects the shield to the web but doesn't display it in its dhcp client list).

    Jon Czudek 

    Here is a screen shot.
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Jon here sorry to bother you again but I now get this issue when I try and apply changes
    I've included a screen shot of the error and a ipconfig. Ive tried may options and the only option that works for a while is changing the ip to applying changes and then connecting through wlan instead of lan but this only lets me logging but to apply changes it gives the google chrome error of cannot connect to this page, something along those lines anyway.

    Any hints or ideas would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
    Jon Czudek

    P.S. Right now I'm pulling my hair out as to what the issue is. (wondering if the wiznet supports 10.X.X.X ip's)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Jon here sorry to bother you again but I now get this issue when I try and apply changes
    I've included a screen shot of the error and a ipconfig. Ive tried may options and the only option that works for a while is changing the ip to applying changes and then connecting through wlan instead of lan but this only lets me logging but to apply changes it gives the google chrome error of cannot connect to this page, something along those lines anyway.

    Any hints or ideas would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
    Jon Czudek

    P.S. Right now I'm pulling my hair out as to what the issue is. (wondering if the wiznet supports 10.X.X.X ip's)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Jon here sorry to bother you again but I now get this issue when I try and apply changes
    I've included a screen shot of the error and a ipconfig. Ive tried may options and the only option that works for a while is changing the ip to applying changes and then connecting through wlan instead of lan but this only lets me logging but to apply changes it gives the google chrome error of cannot connect to this page, something along those lines anyway.

    Any hints or ideas would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
    Jon Czudek

    P.S. Right now I'm pulling my hair out as to what the issue is. (wondering if the wiznet supports 10.X.X.X ip's)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Jon here sorry to bother you again but I now get this issue when I try and apply changes
    I've included a screen shot of the error and a ipconfig. Ive tried may options and the only option that works for a while is changing the ip to applying changes and then connecting through wlan instead of lan but this only lets me logging but to apply changes it gives the google chrome error of cannot connect to this page, something along those lines anyway.

    Any hints or ideas would be appreciated, thanks for your time.
    Jon Czudek

    P.S. Right now I'm pulling my hair out as to what the issue is. (wondering if the wiznet supports 10.X.X.X ip's)
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Having slight issues connecting my board to my access point. I followed your tutorial but I get this error when I want to apply changes.

    I've attached a file with the screen shot

    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Hi Hector

    Having slight issues connecting my board to my access point. I followed your tutorial but I get this error when I want to apply changes.

    I've attached a file with the screen shot

    Jon Czudek
  • You Reply: Hi

    I have managed to get the iphone controlled LEDs working.

    iphone settings:
    I am sending chars from the 'Mote' app (eg 'r' which is on red and 'R' which is of red). This is all through tcp/ip.

    wifi sheild settings:

    arduino code:

    #define LEDGREEN 12
    #define LEDRED 11
    #define LEDYELLOW 10

    void setup() {



    void loop() {
    if (Serial.available()>0) {
      byte inByte =;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
        case 'g':
        case 'G':
          case 'y':
        case 'Y':
    The solution to my problem was simple (can't believe I didn't think of it earlier upper and lower case)  just send single chars which eliminates the need to store the incoming data and then pry the on and off strings out. This is very simple and probably won't be very useful in complex situations :-\.

    For anyone out there with problems that they are having the arduino forum is also a great place to get advice.

    Jon Czudek

    P.S. Sorry for the late reply as I haven't had the time to sit down and reply :).

  • You Reply: Hi

    Here is another piece of code. With this code I get a an error: ???

    IPHONE_WIFI_ARDUINO__experiment.cpp: In function 'void loop()':
    IPHONE_WIFI_ARDUINO__experiment:30: error: duplicate case value
    IPHONE_WIFI_ARDUINO__experiment:22: error: previously used here
    IPHONE_WIFI_ARDUINO__experiment:34: error: duplicate case value
    IPHONE_WIFI_ARDUINO__experiment:26: error: previously used here

    #define LEDGREEN 12
    #define LEDRED 11

    void setup() {


    void loop() {
    if (Serial1.available()) {
      char inByte =;
        case 'redon':
        case 'redoff':
        case 'greenon':
        case 'greenoff':


    Any help would be appreciated :)
    Jon Czudek