You Reply: Hi
I have to instruct a lot of students on how to produce a high frequency PCB (on FR4 yes I know) using AWR to be manufactured at DFRobots; part of these instructions are the manufacturing limitations. They need these limitations before they start their work so a DRC file is of no use to me.
Some of this information is already on earlier posts but not all so could you please supply me with the following?
The minimum track width
The minimum gap between tracks
The smallest via hole
The smallest via pad
Thank you very much for your time.
You Reply: Cheers.
It's not like I'm trying to land a probe on Mars or anything but I'd rather not make that mistake. I have a student here with a pcb design that calls for a 0.20 mm gap I guess he'll have to do some more work on it.
Thanks again
You Reply: Hi
Please excuse my ignorance but what is :10 mils? is a mil one thousandth of an inch or millimeter?