Forum >Replies by YoannR
userhead YoannR
Replies (3)
  • You Reply:

    Hello, which sample code do you use ?

  • You Reply:

    Hello, do you have by anychance schematics for EC Pro sensor and PT1000 Temperature sensor ? And maybe explanation for the definitions in libraries : #define GDIFF (30/1.8)#define VR0  0.223#define G0  2#define I  (1.24 / 10000)



  • You Reply:

    Maybe can someone juste explained me at least the formula and values used in convVoltagetoTemperature_C function ? 

    #define GDIFF (30/1.8)#define VR0  0.223#define G0  2#define I  (1.24 / 10000)

    float DFRobot_ECPRO_PT1000::convVoltagetoTemperature_C(float voltage){ voltage = volCal(voltage); float Rpt1000 = (voltage/GDIFF+VR0)/I/G0; float temp = (Rpt1000-1000)/3.85; return temp;}