Forum >Replies by mi_semion
userhead mi_semion
Replies (20)
  • You Reply: 1) After loading extention maqueen at MakeCode, results with micro:bit V1 and V2 are different. Code used;
    maqueen.IR_callbackUserV2(function (message) {
    basic.showString("" + (message))
    maqueen.IR_callbackUser(function (message) {
    basic.showString("" + (message))

    2) maqueenIR.initIR(Pins.Pxx) to be excluded if there is no functionality behind it
  • You Reply: maqueen.motorRun(maqueen.Motors.All, maqueen.Dir.CW, 128)

    this program doesn't work if there is Bluetooth extension in the project
  • You Reply: minimal program with the problem:

  • You Reply: I updated firmaware on micro:bit, now it's 0250
    created a new project and program described in the first post

    - after load into micro:bit it was only static picture on screen, as expected

    I added maqueen extension to the project:

    - new program shows in cycle 0 2 and 'sad", as was described in original post.

    Adding maqueen extension crearly change behavior of the program even without usage of maqueen blocks in the program
  • You Reply: Update of micro:bit firmware produces no effect.
    Please update extension maqueen available in MakeCode
  • You Reply: Are there 2 statements:

    1. maybe not latest firmware on my micro:bit
    2. DFrobot has not updated maqueen extension available via MakeCode


    1. Firmware on my micro:bit probably is not the latest, I'll update
    If 2) is correct, Dfrobot would better update extension in MakeCode
  • You Reply: Also. thank you for new packaging which allow not to use scissors: it's a big plus.

    One more thing: an option "servos+stuff to attach them" is highly desirable
  • You Reply: I wrote on email provided above
  • You Reply: I fixed the problem with circuit on my side, now projects are working.
    Still, the very first operation in documentation (importing maqueen project )looks unnecessary and confusing.
  • You Reply: tried a few projects. Only Leds are working. No moving, no distance measuring, no Ambient Light (I didn't try remote)
    I'll try to program on pin level
  • You Reply: First, behaviour with project maqueen is known for a long time, as one can see on github.
    When I tried the next link the program could be downloaded and moved into micro:bit/ It was running (I saw it when I added additional output to the program) but no move of the car
  • You Reply: Hello Leff,
    thank you for reference to Thomas.
    Regarding my project, I'm an educator, popularizing programming and robotechnics, localizing software, important for education, for my country, author for Wiki, educational journals and conferences, internet societies.

    My current project failed: I found an interesting (seemed to me) hardware: Romeo BLE Mini, with purpose to describe project of building robot with that board, maybe in one of popular publishing houses, but I can't recommend for educational purposes a board surrounded with secrets. Open source is main point why Arduino is popular, and authors of Romeo BLE Mini betrayed the idea and went out of educational circle.
  • You Reply: Hello Leff,
    thank you for reference to Thomas.
    Regarding my project, I'm an educator, popularizing programming and robotechnics, localizing software, important for education, for my country, author for Wiki, educational journals and conferences, internet societies.

    My current project failed: I found an interesting (seemed to me) hardware: Romeo BLE Mini, with purpose to describe project of building robot with that board, maybe in one of popular publishing houses, but I can't recommend for educational purposes a board surrounded with secrets. Open source is main point why Arduino is popular, and authors of Romeo BLE Mini betrayed the idea and went out of educational circle.
  • You Reply: Hi Wendy.Hu
    First, it's more about learning and teaching then using: I don't need an executable sample, I (and most customers, I believe) need source code and guidelines to make own applications. Link to source code (inside documentation, first of all) would be highly appreciated. For kids examples on App Inventor would be very useful.
    The device looks very promising by characteristics and price but inability to do simple stuff quickly undermines credibility of the company and its products.
    Thank you.
    PS anyway, PIN of the device should be published in your documentation
  • You Reply: Hi Wendy.Hu
    First, it's more about learning and teaching then using: I don't need an executable sample, I (and most customers, I believe) need source code and guidelines to make own applications. Link to source code (inside documentation, first of all) would be highly appreciated. For kids examples on App Inventor would be very useful.
    The device looks very promising by characteristics and price but inability to do simple stuff quickly undermines credibility of the company and its products.
    Thank you.
    PS anyway, PIN of the device should be published in your documentation
  • You Reply: If getting address and connection are separated in time, no error 'not a valid address'.
    Just 'can't connect, is device on' (though pairing light on Romeo is on)
  • You Reply: If getting address and connection are separated in time, no error 'not a valid address'.
    Just 'can't connect, is device on' (though pairing light on Romeo is on)
  • You Reply: In some situations I had link (or pair) light on but still was not able to connect from application. Diagnostic I reached: 'not a valid MAC address', something like that. I think the only way to have consultation is initiating returning of the board.

    PS I saw somewhere on the site apn they provide for bluno. Probably inside their apd they fix the problem with wrong address. Maybe I''ll try to convert the address to proper format
  • You Reply: In some situations I had link (or pair) light on but still was not able to connect from application. Diagnostic I reached: 'not a valid MAC address', something like that. I think the only way to have consultation is initiating returning of the board.

    PS I saw somewhere on the site apn they provide for bluno. Probably inside their apd they fix the problem with wrong address. Maybe I''ll try to convert the address to proper format
  • You Reply: gubelmann-p, thanks a lot for finding the PIN (I failed and posted question almost the same time as you in another topic).
    Looks like here on behalf of administration are only bots, and people have to resolve their issues themselve.
    If you will have advances, please share.
    I'll do the same.