Forum >Replies by Angelo.Qiao
userhead Angelo.Qiao
Replies (20)
  • You Reply:


    Good idea. Maybe we could modify some fake create time info to easily get the sequence of the saved model.

    Thank you!

  • You Reply:



    Of course, you cloud use this if you connect huskylens to Arduino or Microbit board:

    Check here for details:

  • You Reply:



    Could you take a photo of your connection?


    It seems to be power problem. Would it be helpful if you also connect usb to Pi3 ?


    Looking forward to your reply.

  • You Reply:

    Hi Gmartin,


    On the UI, we only support 5 objects. However, if you are using Arduino to communicate with it, you could use this API to store more objects into SD card. Check here for details:



    Hope it helps you.

  • You Reply:

    Hi tguneysu,


    The font matrix size is 18px. However the font we are using is not Monospaced Font, so the width of the font is dependent on the text itself. For now, just try with your text. Do you have any idea how to improve it? Looking forward for your reply :)

  • You Reply: Hi, it is not recommended. It can certainly run but with low torque and slower.
    You can try the high ratio version to increase the torque:
    You can also try this:
  • You Reply: You are OK, Bob :)
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products :D
  • You Reply: Thank you for your detailed information.
    Problem is confirmed, a hot-fix is released.
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try it again.
  • You Reply: Thank you for your detailed information.
    Problem is confirmed, a hot-fix is released.
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try it again.
  • You Reply: Hi,
    Could you give me a link of your Android device? Actually normal bluetooth speaker use Bluetooth 2.0 instead of 4.0. Is it possible that this tablet does not carry a Bluetooth 4.0 module?
    It seems that the BLE adapter can connect to your Romeo BLE mini, which means the Romeo BLE mini is capable of connection. So how about try another Android devices?
    Hope this will help you.
  • You Reply: Hi, you can find here:

    The tutorial is also available:
  • You Reply: Hi onkie,
    I have contact our sales team. They face some network connection problems and not able to response in time. Our technical team is trying to deal with it. As soon as it works, they will certainly answer you.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • You Reply: Hi onkie,
    I have contact our sales team. They face some network connection problems and not able to response in time. Our technical team is trying to deal with it. As soon as it works, they will certainly answer you.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Topic: LP Carpc
    You Reply: Oh, sorry Antonio. I've helped you complain about your experience to my colleague.
    However please understand, they are only a small team. However they will keep their best on tech support.
  • Topic: LP Carpc
    You Reply: Oh, sorry Antonio. I've helped you complain about your experience to my colleague.
    However please understand, they are only a small team. However they will keep their best on tech support.
  • You Reply: Sorry for the late.
    For the time being, LattePanda is out of stock. Normally we does not cancel the order.
    Would you mind provide your Email, transaction ID and your complaint about it. Send it to [email protected]
    Sorry for your inconvenience.
  • You Reply: Sorry for the late.
    For the time being, LattePanda is out of stock. Normally we does not cancel the order.
    Would you mind provide your Email, transaction ID and your complaint about it. Send it to [email protected]
    Sorry for your inconvenience.
  • You Reply: Thank you Bob, we have update the link. The ver 1.9 is more stable than ver 1.8.
    How about try to reset the bluno? You can try the follow steps:

    1. Check the Onboard "LINK" and "PAIR" LED is OFF. (If the LED is ON, try to find which device is connected to it.)
    2. Enter the bluetooth setting in Android and forget the Bluno devices, which may be connected earlier.
    3. Follow this step to enter AT command Mode :make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, ' ', '', '', ' class="postlink"')
    4. "AT+SETTING=DEFAULT" to reset the it.
    5. Directly use Android 4.4.2 tablet to connect it

    By the way could I know the brand of Android tablet?
    If you still have connecting problems with this product, feel free to contact us.
  • You Reply: Enn, perhaps it is not a good idea to use bluno beetle to act as a RSSi scanner. On bluno, you can only get the RSSI after two bluno is connected to each other. It will take a really long time to connect and get the RSSI. How about try to use other board like Intel Edison as central? They can scan the iBeacon without connect to them.
  • You Reply: Hi ecmonge,
    A good news is that we have an internal alpha version of WhenDo for Android and we will release it soon. So don't worry about it.
    For the PC part, we will also provide WhenDo on windows soon. For the time being we would recommend to use a BLE link to run vortex wirelessly via Scratch.
    Here is the link: make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, '
    ', '', '', ' class="postlink"')

    Hope it will be helpful.