Forum >Replies by Maht
Replies (20)
  • You Reply:

    just a shot in the dark, but you could try this:

    let us know if it works

  • You Reply:

    Hello Jan, thanks for your interest.

    At this time the source code and schematic is not public. Currently available resources can be found at this link:

  • You Reply:

    Hello all,

    These resources are now available on the Vortex website:

    We are currently working on more resources which will be posted at this location when they are released.

    If you have any questions/comments or suggestions for Vortex features, please keep us informed on the forum and we will do our best to help.

  • You Reply:
    AirheadBit wrote:
    Maht wrote:hi there, quickstart guides are available here:

    Will there be documentation showing what each pin on the display and touch screen is?

    hi there,

    not officially, but you can find a schematic of the DSI MIPI screen connector for the lattepanda forum here: ... 7&start=80

    It uses custom pinouts. Any further questions can be answered on the LattePanda forum

    Hope this helps
  • Topic:
    You Reply: As it boots from the eMMC you would have to flash your OS on to there, overwriting the old one. It is possible to back up the eMMC beforehand using a utility such as a linux livecd and a dd command in linux
    more info here:

    it may also be possible to dual boot, but we havent tried yet. I managed to get it running debian 8
  • You Reply: Hi everyone, thanks for your interest.

    Follow the link below to see all available LattePanda accessories on our store, including a choice of two kinds of case. ... lattepanda

    Hope this helps. We would appreciate your feedback on these products!
  • You Reply:
    simone.masala.grvk wrote:Hallo Everyone,
    I am new with robotic component, and I would like to ask any suggestion/idea/help to realize my first project:


    I was planning to use:
    1) Veyron Servo Driver (24 channels). SKU: DR10029
    2) 18 Servos DSS-M15. SKU: SER0019
    3) I plan to 3D print the frame similar to the PhantomX Hexapod ( )
    4) I am not sure about the code I will use... I need something easy to adapt to my project, because I am not expert in programming!

    My questions are:

    Do you suggest me some diferent servos from the DF website? or the DSS-M15 servos are the best solutios? Not so expensive and 15 kg. torque! Are they OK for an hexapod? Any better one?

    Can I use Veyron controller as the brain of my creature??? Do I need anything else? Is it the best choice?
    Can I add to this controller a Xbee? Bluetooth? Or wifi module? What is best?

    Thanks in advance to anyone that will give some answers... I really wish to make my order as soon as possible, but I wish not to get the wrong components :)

    Greetings to all the DF Community! :-)

    hello simon hope you're well

    those parts listed seem ideal for what you need. you will probably need a microcontroller such as a DFRduino Bluno, or MEGA

    check out the veyron product wiki for more info: ... DRI0029%29

    the veyron has a useful GUI for servo timings that is probably useful for this project ... Controller

    If you can share .STLs with me perhaps we can create this robot together and work through the code
  • You Reply: hi there, quickstart guides are available here:
  • You Reply: theres a plywood and plastic case available for backers, check out our lattepanda forum

    we also have a 3d model you can use to design and 3d print your own custom case ... ts/1475932

    hope this helps
  • You Reply:
    shadow100 wrote:Hi,

    I bought a DFRduino UNO and i worked well with him.

    Today i got a problem. The usb stopped working.

    When i plug in the L light and the on light turn on, but i cant select serial port in the arduino IDE and my pc cant find the dfrduino. I tried dfrduino of my friends and they worked well in my pc.

    I think my usb is broken, it is easy to repair?

    Thank you, sorry for my english

    hello there, thanks for the post, sorry to hear you are having issues.

    let me repeat the problem back to you to make sure i understand it correctly:

    you have used the dfrduino uno with your pc and it worked, and then suddenly stopped
    you can't select a serial port and your pc doesnt detect it anymore
    you have tried it on your friends pc and it worked?

    several things to try if you havent already:
    - try a different usb cable
    - try an alternative usb port
    - uninstall and reinstall arduino drivers

    if the problem persists reply here and we can help further

    hope this helps
  • You Reply: hello there, thanks for the post,

    As this is a digital sensor it only has two outputs, so it can only be used as a switch...sorry!

    Hope this helps
  • You Reply: Hey there,

    You can find a build tutorial of the weather station here ... log&id=465

    And more info at the product wiki ... KU:SEN0186

    You can find input jacks on the underside of each module.

    Any other questions please ask!
  • You Reply: Hi there,

    Here is a video of this kit fully assembled and working:

    You can purchase it from our store here: ... xb1O0cu_2k

    The wiki for this product is here: ... KU:KIT0071

    Any other questions, please ask!
  • You Reply: Hi there,

    The Bluno should retain the last code that was uploaded after powering it off. What exactly makes you think this is happening?
    And yes you are able to connect both at the same time, although this wont achieve much. What is it that you are trying to do?
  • You Reply: Hello there, check the instructions book, it has a section about troubleshooting. If Insectbot is walking backwards you probably have your servos out of time with each other. You will need to remove the servo horns and replace them on the servo shaft at a different angle, and keep experimenting until the rhythm is correct and the three servos move at the right time with each other. Try this and post results if there are still problems. Hope this helps.
  • Topic:
    You Reply: raspberry pi has all operating systems stored on an SD, whereas lattepanda has internal flash memory, so the process is a little different.
  • You Reply: Hello Bob, sorry to hear you are having issues. I need some more info from you - do you have an SKU for the product you are having problems with?
  • You Reply: Thanks for the suggestion - are you looking for a 3D cad model or a circuit board design?
  • You Reply: Hi there,

    You will need to use an external power supply such as a 7.2v lipo battery, or an AA battery pack. The arduino can only control the logic of the motors and wont provide enough amps to power two motors.

    hope this helps!
  • You Reply: If you haven't already, check out this resource: ... etPrintPos
    I'm not so sure about scrolling down, but I know you can make multiple "pages" of text by scrolling left and right, details are in there
    We will investigate further in the mean time...